Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is centered around the mind body connection and views the body’s wisdom as a powerful tool for healing and transforming symptoms of psychological distress. In our sessions we will use a combination of embodiment work and traditional talk therapy to help you safely reconnect and work together to compassionately understand your symptoms.

Somatic Processing

Somatic processing involves supporting the body to unlock, express and move through what got stuck/held/frozen at the time of the trauma. Supporting you to work through a traumatic memory, thought or feeling that feels stuck or recurring for you. Combining somatic techniques such as parts therapy and bilateral stimulation, Helping you to integrate and promote healing within.

Polyvagal and Nervous System Regulation

Your body holds so much wisdom and is always trying to keep you safe. I provide you with the tools to help empower you with an awareness of how the nervous system works and how regulating your nervous system can reduce somatic and emotional symptoms. Combining simple techniques such as mindfulness, breath, movement and psychoeducation. 

‘‘Truma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness’’

Peter A Levine.